New books for July-August 2024
Refugia by Elfie Shiosaki (A821.4 SHI)
Butter by Asako Yuzuki (F YUZ)
Ghost cities by Siang Lu (F LU)
The echoes by Evie Wyld (F WYL)
Mrs Hopkins by Shirley Barrett (F BAR)
Medea by Rosie Hewlett (F HEW)
Night watch by Jayne Anne Phillips (F PHI)
Writers on writers: Tony Birch on Kim Scott (A823.3 SCO.B)
The forever war by Nick Bryant (320.973 BRY)
The book of roads and kingdoms by Richard Fidler (909 FID)
A question of colour by Pattie Lees with Adam C Lees (362.849915 LEE)
Telling: stories of resilience from Nairm Marr Djambana (305.89915 SUM)
Growing up Indian in Australia by Aarti Betigeri (305.8914094 BET)
Growing up Torres Strait Islander in Australia edited by Samantha Faulkner (A824.4 GRO)